Uninterrupted elevator services despite restrictions imposed by the coronavirus
IoT-based solution from Bosch ensures around-the-clock safety even in times of crisis
What challenges do elevator system operators face in this ongoing corona crisis?
The coronavirus pandemic restricts our everyday routines. Any activity in the workplace or at customer premises is regulated by statutory restrictions prohibiting physical contact and stipulating social distancing. These rules pose challenges for many companies. For example, how can they ensure continuous and safe elevator operations without the need to have a service technician on site all the time.
How does Bosch solve this challenge?
Bosch is using a solution based on the Internet-of-things (IoT) to resolve the problem. It involves digitally connecting objects and machinery, enabling a whole new level of transparency for elevator operations. It successfully enables remote monitoring of elevators, eliminating any need for on-site staff. A sensor box is quickly and easily mounted on the elevator, thereby digitally networking the system. This sensor box transmits data to the cloud and registers any functional faults or inefficient operating parameters.
In case of an alarm notification, the elevator operating company, a service technician contracted by the operator, or the Bosch Service Center can track the current actual status of the elevator via a web portal. The system also sends out email notifying them of any elevator malfunction or outage. This enables initiation of rapid response actions to correct the problem and resume operation. Any on-site repairs are also coordinated and all outages documented accordingly. Our associates at the Bosch Service Center keep a close eye on all incoming data, providing smart, contact-free monitoring.
"The current situation demonstrates that we made the right decision to enable remote monitoring of sensitive building systems via the cloud. We view such IoT solutions consisting of sensors, software and remote service as pioneering, forward-looking concepts for the monitoring sector."
These IoT solutions create the transparency needed to maintain elevator operations; even in times of restricted contact imposed by the Covid-19 pandemic. It ensures reliability and safety, sparing everyone the inconvenience of interrupted service.
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