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Service Solutions

Case study: Efficiency as a service for a tyre manufacturer

Three people are standing at a table, looking at a plan and making notes. The table is inside a glass room within an open space office with other people in the background.

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Background and challenges

Customer's industry: Tire manufacturer

Bosch service:Customer Experience Services

A well-known tyre manufacturer has direct contact with its end customers for the first time thanks to Europe-wide product consulting. One problem is that providing this service is extremely complex: many different systems are used and unstructured data is transmitted. This results in dissatisfaction. The solution: Our Service Design approach.

Facts & figures

35 % reduced on-hold time

33 % lower average handling time

1 day shorter agent training

Approach and solutions

With the idea of Service Design, Bosch Service Solutions developed a central business process management platform and integrated all its current systems into a standard user interface. Based on applying technology, we enhanced efficiency and optimized processes to improve customer interactions. Furthermore, we transformed previously unstructured data into structured data and used robotic process automation for repetitive, rule-based processes.

Results and benefits

With our newly developed platform we reduced process and waiting time for end customers significantly by 35%. Through a reduction in complexity and the elimination of potential errors we improved the service-side user interface, reduced the average handling time by 33% and increased recorded cases up to 97%. Improved structured data enables better analysis of customer requirements and implementation of refined targeting measures for greater sales and customer satisfaction.

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