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Service Solutions

Case study: Design and development of a multi-channel cloud platform

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Background and challenges

Customer's industry: Tourism

Bosch service:Customer Experience Services

The increase of tourism led to a point where existing legacy-system could no longer handle the upcoming requests. Complex and opaque systems could not be expanded or scaled to add new capabilities without getting more complex and complicated. Even though there was a short lead-time of only 6 month, we had a clear target: Greater transparency, higher quality and process efficiency.

Approach and solutions

Based on Salesforce and Genesys we designed and developed a multi-channel cloud platform. The implementation of a MVP (Minimal Viable Product) and activation of a first contact channel (e-mail) was reached after six weeks. We managed to create a system of management for the entire global service network, including their service locations and those of partner service providers.

Results and benefits

We delivered a cross-partner IT service landscape with a capacity for more than 1,000 service staff, created a CRM ‘as a service’ model, which reduced the complex infrastructure landscape and provided a system that all partners can access. Until today, our premium program includes 35 million participants, 27 airlines, and 270 partner companies including hotels, financial services and lifestyle brands. We achieved an increase of recorded cases (up to 97%) and reduced the handling-time by 33 %. Transparency of our system leads to improved efficiency of our service staff, resulting in a higher customer satisfaction.

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